3 Great Add-Ons to Consider for Your Garage Storage Cabinets

Posted on: 24 July 2018

If you spend a lot of time in your garage, an important aspect to consider is the storage cabinets. After all, this is where all of your tools and home and garden essentials are stored. If you're looking to enhance your storage cabinets in unique ways, consider these great add-ons. 

LED Lights 

In the garage, having as much light as possible is important. It helps you see clearly when working, and can also make it easier to find tools you need. You can enhance the lighting near your garage storage cabinets by equipping LED lights in them. In addition to providing ample light coverage, these lights are extremely energy-efficient. Thus, you can run them all night and not have to worry as much about costly energy bills. LED lights are also designed to last a long time. In fact, it's estimated that they can last upwards of 50,000 hours. Therefore, you don't have to worry about replacing them any time soon after they're installed. 

Diamond Plating 

If you're looking to enhance the aesthetics and function of your garage storage cabinets, then you should seriously consider applying diamond plating over their surface. The diamond plating offers a unique aesthetic, especially when the lighting hits it at certain angles. In terms of function, diamond plating can make your storage cabinets much more durable. Some companies, like Cinti Closets LLC, know that when this plating is properly applied, your cabinets will no longer be susceptible to chipping or warping over the years. Diamond plating is also corrosion-resistant - which ensures it will maintain its structural integrity and vibrant aesthetics for decades.

Retractable Work Table

Since your tools will be housed in the garage storage cabinets, it's only right to have a work station equipped near them. There's no better work space for your cabinets than a retractable work table. As its name implies, the table retracts in when not in use. You can save on space, which may be needed if your garage doesn't have a lot of square footage. These work tables can be made out of a wide variety of materials, including natural wood and stainless steel. Just make sure you hire a professional company to complete this installation, so you can rest assured the table works perfectly and safely. 

The possibilities are endless when it comes to enhancing your garage storage cabinets. Whatever you decide to add to this cabinetry, make sure the customization works for your lifestyle and budget.


Planning for a Spring Flower Garden

Whenever the warm weather of spring arrives, I love spend time outdoors. I absolutely adore taking care of my backyard flower garden. I water my beautiful flowers multiple times each week. I also fertilize them every other week. Do you desperately desire to plant your first flower garden this spring? Consider stocking up on necessary supplies sooner rather than later. For instance, you might want to invest in a garden hose, a pair of work gloves, a shovel, a pack of fertilizer, and a pair of garden shears. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious tips to help you plant the spring flower garden of your dreams. Enjoy!