3 Popular Upholstery Fabrics to Choose from When Updating an Old Sofa

Posted on: 20 February 2019

In each room in a home, there is generally a large furniture item that is the main focal point. In the living room, this piece of furniture is the sofa. An attractive sofa also acts as the key that dictates the whole look and feel of the room.

If your sofa is looking old, dated, and a little shabby, it can bring the whole living room down as far as style is concerned. Unfortunately, good quality sofas are an expensive purchase that may not be within your current budget. The good news is, you can give your old sofa a fresh and more contemporary new look by reupholstering it.

You will need to pay a professional upholstery service to complete this project, but the cost is relatively small in comparison to buying a whole new sofa. You can mitigate the cost somewhat by looking for discount upholstery fabric at one of the many fabric stores that are online.

Ordering online can keep your costs low but you'll need to be able to determine which fabric is going to be the best choice for your sofa. Here is a guide to the three most popular upholstery fabrics that are available.

1. Linen

Linen is a wonderful choice if you'd like to create a soft, neutral look for your sofa. It has a striking natural look and has a timeless elegance. If you have children or pets that frequent your sofa, linen might not be the best choice. It's fairly durable but it does wrinkle and stain easily.

2. Cotton

Cotton is all around great as an upholstery fabric. It's strong and the natural fibers are resistant to fading, tearing, and pilling. Cotton also provides you with an impressive array of colors and patterns to choose from. Look for cotton with a high thread count for a more durable finish. If your sofa is likely to endure some rough treatment, cotton mixed with acrylic or nylon will make it stronger and easier to clean.

3. Wool

Wool is a wonderful choice for upholstery fabric if want your sofa to be a warm, soft haven. Wool is also a very durable material and is resistant to fading, wrinkling, and staining. Pure wool is very soft and luxurious, but it can also be prone to pilling as it ages. Choosing a wool blend that combines the wool fibers with synthetic fibers can help to reduce this problem.


Planning for a Spring Flower Garden

Whenever the warm weather of spring arrives, I love spend time outdoors. I absolutely adore taking care of my backyard flower garden. I water my beautiful flowers multiple times each week. I also fertilize them every other week. Do you desperately desire to plant your first flower garden this spring? Consider stocking up on necessary supplies sooner rather than later. For instance, you might want to invest in a garden hose, a pair of work gloves, a shovel, a pack of fertilizer, and a pair of garden shears. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious tips to help you plant the spring flower garden of your dreams. Enjoy!