Home Garden

  • Keys For Making The Most Of Your Awnings

    If you are going to relax outdoors this summer, a little shade from a place like Lockhart Gene & Son Canvas Awnings wouldn't hurt. Sometimes you want to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, but the heat can be unforgiving to the point of turning a relaxing day into steaming and muggy conditions that you're trying to endure. One of the best things you can do to create some shade is to install a nice awning.
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  • Four Budget-Friendly Ways To Add Curb Appeal

    Once people have the interior of their home exactly the way they want it, it's only natural that they turn their focus to the exterior. Curb appeal can go a long way in making even the simplest home be the cutest house on the block when the right accessories are chosen. Here are four simple, inexpensive ideas to give your home character and style. Add A Decorative Mailbox You need to check your mail six days a week, and since it's usually a depressing combination of bills and junk mail, you may as well as give yourself something pretty to look at!
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  • 3 Popular Upholstery Fabrics to Choose from When Updating an Old Sofa

    In each room in a home, there is generally a large furniture item that is the main focal point. In the living room, this piece of furniture is the sofa. An attractive sofa also acts as the key that dictates the whole look and feel of the room. If your sofa is looking old, dated, and a little shabby, it can bring the whole living room down as far as style is concerned.
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  • 3 Effective Ways To Naturally Keep Mice Out Of Your Home

    Treating your home with chemicals to get rid of a mice problem can be dangerous in a variety of ways. The poison you use might kill your plants and gardens, and it may affect the health of your family members as time goes on. Luckily, you can get rid of mice naturally. Here are a few options to consider: Offer Up Some Instant Mashed Potatoes While leaving food out for the mice might seem counterproductive when you're trying to keep them out of your home, there is one food you can offer them that will kill them off so they can't keep reproducing.
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  • Want To Use Your Backyard More? Hire Landscapers For Cleanup And Removal

    As a homeowner, you may be disappointed with how much your family uses the backyard. However, this can happen when your landscape is not routinely cleaned and does not have the right qualities to encourage your family to spend time in the backyard. This is something that you can easily resolve, but you should hire a landscaping company to help with cleanup and removal. These two services will make it easy to add new features, use existing features, and enjoy an attractive backyard.
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  • The 411 On Composite Decking: Is This Material Right For You?

    From extra space for relaxing and entertaining to increased appeal and value for your home, the benefits of a deck should be easy to see. Unfortunately, many homeowners believe all decking materials are created equal. However, that is not necessarily true. Wood may be sufficient, but better options are available. This guide will help you understand composite decking and if this deck material is right for you and your home.
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  • Getting Modern Furniture: What To Look For

    There are many ways you can use modern furniture in your home, even if your house leans more towards a classic appeal. If you are intimidated by modern furniture pieces, or you aren't sure how they will blend with your current decor, use this guide to help you determine what to look for in contemporary pieces for your home. The right furniture will make your home look uplifted and fun, not overbearing or like you're trying too hard.
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  • 3 Great Add-Ons to Consider for Your Garage Storage Cabinets

    If you spend a lot of time in your garage, an important aspect to consider is the storage cabinets. After all, this is where all of your tools and home and garden essentials are stored. If you're looking to enhance your storage cabinets in unique ways, consider these great add-ons.  LED Lights  In the garage, having as much light as possible is important. It helps you see clearly when working, and can also make it easier to find tools you need.
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  • Three Signs You Need To Waterproof Your Basement

    Your basement is the part of your home that is the most susceptible to water damage, since any heavy rainfall or changes in the water level will naturally lead to flooding at the lowest point in your home. Water damage and flooding not only can cause structural damage and necessitate an expensive cleanup, it can also lead to mold and mildew growth which represents a serious health concern to you and your family.
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  • 3 Tips To Help Clean And Maintain Your New Granite Counters

    Your kitchen countertops see a great deal of use. From entertaining and serving to dining and preparing food, it is easy to see the importance of this surface in your kitchen. Of course, replacing your counters may be necessary at one point time. Considering they add an estimated 25 percent of value to your home, granite counters are a great option for your kitchen. Even though they are incredibly durable, proper cleaning and care is necessary.
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